Hi, I am Vivek Shah.

Startup & Tech Enthusiast

I am into software development, with an inclination towards backend technologies. Currently, my work resolves around building, maintaining and enhancing backend services for a hyperlocal platform called Lokal. I am proficient in python and Node.js, and I enjoy discussing technologies and startups. I have worked with and for three startups, and I am eager to contribute more to the startup ecosystem. I am constantly learning about software development, system design, and everything else that interests me, one bit at a time. In my free time, I can be found reading engineering blogs and browsing Reddit.

Work Experience

Lokal, Bangalore

Software Engineer

September 2021 - Present

I work on developing product features and improving the overall engineering systems for the platform. My primary focus is on architecting, developing, and maintaining backend systems for various use cases. Currenly, I am working to scale our backend services to accommodate increasing user base.

Knowledge Foundry Business Solutions, Bangalore

Software Developement Engineer

May 2020-July 2020, December 2020 - August 2021

I worked for two US-based startups where my responsibilities at KF included designing, developing, and improving their systems. I primarily worked with Python, Node.js, and Neo4j to build and maintain robust, scalable systems. Additionally, I performed data analysis as part of my work and generated insights from the results.

HR Digital Marketing, Nadiad

Web Developer

July 2019 - October 2019

My role was to develop and manage website development projects for clients. During my time there, I gained experience in marketing, client relations, and social media strategies in addition to sharpening my web development skills. As the tech team lead, we implemented business processes using technology to increase throughput.

Dech Labs, Surat

IT Intern

April 2019 - June 2019

I worked as an IT intern at a Surat-based IT and startup consultancy firm during my second-year summer vacation. During my internship period, I contributed to more than seven projects, making major contributions to three of them. The majority of my work involved Wordpress development.

Technical Strengths

Core Skills
Data Structures & Algorithms, OOP, Database Management
Python, Javascript, Java, Shell
Postgres, Neo4j, MongoDb
Frameworks & Libraries
Django, NodeJS, Flask, FastAPI, Pandas
Git, Github, PyCharm, JIRA


Meet Power Ups - Chrome Extension

Meet Power Ups is a Chrome extension that allows you to share images directly in Google Meet meetings. Unlike Zoom, Google Meet doesn't support media sharing, but with this extension, you can easily share photos with just one keystroke. The extension is simple, easy to use, and well-integrated into Google Meet. It uses Firebase for storing media and JavaScript browser APIs for detecting new messages.
Project page: Meet Power Up's Devpost submission

Javascript Firebase Mutation Observer Browser Extension

EarlyBird - Assignments Reminder

I developed a Django-based web application that reminds users about upcoming assignment deadlines. The application uses Django model forms and authentication is done using Allauth. I used Bootstrap for frontend design.

Django AllAuth Bootstrap Deployment

Recipyyy - Recipe Portal

Implemented the project using ASP.NET and followed the MVC pattern through the Entity Framework. Users can upload, view, and share recipes, including the option to share them via email. The frontend of the project is based on HTML, CSS, and jQuery.

ASP.NET Jquery Email

Peer Code Review Portal

"Developed a Django web application that allows users to comment on each other's code. Each comment can be linked with a specific part of the code, and clicking on the comment highlights that section of the code. The application also includes an option to upload different versions of the code. The main goal of the project is to inspire collaboration and peer reviews among students. I used the Codemirror library for syntax highlighting.

Django CodeMirror Python

Techfest Management Portal

The project was implemented using the Django framework, with the frontend built using Bootstrap and jQuery. The portal allows users to register for events, while the admin can perform CRUD operations on events.

Django Bootstrap ParticleJs

BatMan - Battery Manager

Developed a Python script that logs battery information every minute and saves it to a file. The script was set up to run automatically on the machine using a cronjob. I also set up an automatic setup for the cronjob. Finally, I performed data analysis on the logged data to draw insights from it.

Python CronJobs Data Analysis

FriedPotato - CLI Instagram Scrapper

"Fried Potato" is an Instagram scraper that shows the post, follower, and following count for any public or private Instagram handle. It is useful for small social media marketing firms. The data is scrapped using BeautifulSoup. The program supports file input and output for smoother operations.

Python BeautifulSoup Instagram

Worth Watch - Chrome Extension

"Worth Watch" adds an entry to the Chrome context menu, allowing users to get IMDB ratings for the selected show just by selecting the text. The program consumes OMDB API for data and communicates with it via Ajax requests.

Chrome API Ajax OMDB API


Dharmsinh Desai University | July 2017 - May 2021

Bachelor of Technology (Computer Engineering)

CPI: 8.84

T. & TV. Sarvajanik Highschool, Surat | March 2017

12th (Science) - GSHSEB

Percentage: 94%

Presidency School, Surat | March 2015

10th (SSC) - GSHSEB

Percentage: 89%

A Bit More

Apart from tech, I like writing, reading and watching web series.
My Writings can be read on: Vivek's Quotes
My Favorite Book is: The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini [Books I have read]
My Favorite Web Series is: Kota Factory by TVF
The best way to reach me is via email at [vivekshah9969 at gmail dot com].

Let's Connect